Hey, Huntsville golfers! Join us September 13, 2021 for the annual James T. Tatum Jr. Memorial and Scholarship Benefit Auburn Alumni Golf Tournament at the Huntsville Country Club. There will be gifts, lunch, and on-site drinks. Prizes will be awarded after the tournament.
Pre-register at https://www.huntsvilleauburnclub.com/golf-tourney to guaran-tee a spot! Day-of registration begins at 11:00 a.m. Shotgun start at Noon.
The price per team is $500 ($125 per person). Mulligans and power drives available for purchase on site. Hole In One contest with prizes provided by Ray Pearman Lincoln Mercury.
There are multiple sponsorship options available (details below), please contact the Club directly at 256-665-5451 to become a sponsor! All sponsorship levels include 1 team of 4 + a tee sign)
Food sponsor ($2,000): Sponsor logo at food station
Prize sponsor ($2,000): Sponsor logo on winning team prize letters
Scorecard sponsor ($1,500): Sponsor logo on all scorecards
Rules sponsor ($1,500): Sponsor logo on all rules sheets
Cart sponsor ($1,500): Sponsor logo on golf cart signs