Freshmen Sendoff
Madison County freshmen, save the date! Keep an eye on your mailbox for an invite coming soon.

Women's Luncheon
Please join the Huntsville-Madison County Auburn Club for our 3rd Annual Auburn Women's Luncheon on Wednesday, June 21, 2023.
Proceeds benefit the Huntsville-Madison County Auburn Club scholarship fund. Sponsorships and tables available for groups!
Register Here: Tickets

Ambush Huntsville
Join us at The Royal at Stovehouse on April 27 from 6-8 p.m. for AMBUSH, the Auburn Alumni Association’s annual engagement tour featuring football and basketball head coaches and other special guests.
Hear from Coaches Pearl and Freeze, plus AD John Cohen
AMBUSH provides an opportunity for Auburn alumni and friends to meet the coaches, get pictures with their favorite mascot, and help raise scholarship funds for future generations of Auburn students.
Registration opens today, March 28. Space is limited.
Food and one drink ticket included.
Sponsorship options are available.
Brought to you by

AMBUSH Huntsville
AMBUSH is the Auburn Alumni Association's annual engagement tour featuring football and men's basketball head coaches and other special guests. This year Coach Bryan Harsin and Coach Bruce Pearl will hit the road and travel to four cities in the month of May. AMBUSH provides an opportunity for Auburn alumni and friends to meet the coaches, get pictures with their favorite mascot and help raise scholarship funds for future generations of Auburn students.

Paint Party
Come join the HMCAC at Lowe Mill to paint a fun Auburn themed craft!
Location: Lowe Mill - North Wing Classroom (Enter through Door 3)
Masks required for unvaccinated attendees

2021 Auburn Football Watch Parties - InnerSpace Brewing
Come join us at InnerSpace brewing for Auburn Football every Saturday this fall! We will be gathering about 30 minutes prior to kickoff time.
See our Facebook for realtime updates: Facebook Updates
Hope to see you there!

Auburn Alumni Golf Tournament
Hey, Huntsville golfers! Join us September 13, 2021 for the annual James T. Tatum Jr. Memorial and Scholarship Benefit Auburn Alumni Golf Tournament at the Huntsville Country Club. There will be gifts, lunch, and on-site drinks. Prizes will be awarded after the tournament.
Pre-register at https://www.huntsvilleauburnclub.com/golf-tourney to guaran-tee a spot! Day-of registration begins at 11:00 a.m. Shotgun start at Noon.
The price per team is $500 ($125 per person). Mulligans and power drives available for purchase on site. Hole In One contest with prizes provided by Ray Pearman Lincoln Mercury.
There are multiple sponsorship options available (details below), please contact the Club directly at 256-665-5451 to become a sponsor! All sponsorship levels include 1 team of 4 + a tee sign)
Food sponsor ($2,000): Sponsor logo at food station
Prize sponsor ($2,000): Sponsor logo on winning team prize letters
Scorecard sponsor ($1,500): Sponsor logo on all scorecards
Rules sponsor ($1,500): Sponsor logo on all rules sheets
Cart sponsor ($1,500): Sponsor logo on golf cart signs
Freshman Sendoff
The HMCAC will host our annual Freshman Sendoff event at Burritt on the Mountain to celebrate local seniors who are headed to Auburn in the fall for their Freshman year.
A big thank you to our presenting sponsor, Taco Mama!

HMCAC Women's Luncheon (featuring Liz Huntley)
Come join the HMCAC for the Second Annual Women’s Luncheon on June 16th at 11:30. The luncheon will feature Liz Huntley as the guest speaker and take place in the beautiful Grand Ballroom at the Huntsville Botanical Gardens. Attendance is 50$ per person with discounts available for teachers and first responders. All money raised goes towards supplying local residents with scholarships to attend Auburn University. Make sure to register at bit.ly/luncheon21 and join us for another great event!
A big thank you to our presenting sponsor: Wendy Wilson, Aero Thermo Technology, Inc.

Auburn Alumni Golf Tournament
Hey, Huntsville golfers! Join us September 14, 2020 for the annual James T. Tatum Jr. Memorial and Scholarship Benefit Auburn Alumni Golf Tournament at the Huntsville Country Club. There will be gifts, lunch, and on-site drinks. Prizes will be awarded after the tournament.
Shotgun start: Noon
Cost: $400 per team
$150 hole sponsorships still available
Day-of registration begins at 11:00 a.m., but space is limited. Register early to save your spot: reach out to hsvtigertee@gmail.com.

Tiger Giving Day
Tiger Giving Day is February 19th!! Let’s get behind Auburn Universities largest annual fundraiser. War Eagle!
Donations must be made at www.tigergiving.org
To support the Huntsville Madison County Auburn Club, select the project: Auburn Clubs – Providing a Path to the Plains. Make sure to enter HMCAC as the Auburn Club.

Auburn Football Recruiting Wrap Up
National Signing Day is just around the corner!
Join us Monday, February 10 at 6pm at Dynetics Solutions Complex to hear Jason Caldwell from Inside the Auburn Tigers give us the break-down of who is coming to Auburn, and why they will be great additions to the team.
When: Thursday February 10, 2020 6:00 pm
Where: Dynetics Solutions Complex Building
1004 Explorer Blvd
Research Park, Huntsville
Cost: $10 at door. Cash or check only.
All proceeds go towards the HMCAC Scholarship Fund.
Please contact johnny.dingess@huntsvilleauburnclub.com to RSVP or with any questions you may have!
Young Alumni Council
Calling all Auburn University young alumni (those 40 years old or younger)! A priority of the Auburn Alumni Association is to create a young alumni council to be formed next Spring. In order to effectively form the council, we would like your input on the criteria and expectations of the council. If you would like to be included in a virtual focus group to steer the formation of the council, please email alumniprograms@auburn.edu by Friday, September 27, and we will get you added to the group.
Bruce Pearl Fantasy Basketball Camp
Join Auburn’s Final Four Head Coach Bruce Pearl for a once in a lifetime experience to spend a weekend learning and training on what it takes to be an extraordinary player or coach. This opportunity is open for Adults only. Attendees can either focus on learning from Bruce and his staff on how to better themselves as players or coaches. It’s not only a basketball education, attendees will get behind the scenes access to Auburn Athletic facilities, Auburn merchandise and even dinner at Bruce’s home! Visit the website below to learn more about this amazing experience!
Racing Rivals 2019
Swim: 400 meters Bike: 12 miles Run: 5 kilometers
The Fifth Annual Racing Rivals Triathlon will take place at Clearwater Lake in Owens Cross Roads, AL on July 20, 2019! Last year's event was a huge success with over 140 participants. We raised more than $2000 in scholarship money, which was used to provide scholarships to local students to attend Auburn University, Mississippi State University, and The University of Alabama.
Once again, this exciting event will prove which University's fans can speed through a sprint distance triathlon the fastest and earn bragging rights for the rest of the year! The race is being hosted by the local area alumni chapters of Auburn University, Mississippi State University and The University of Alabama. The Racing Rivals Triathlon is open to everyone, and proceeds raised will benefit the school based on the affiliation selected by each race participant during registration. Participants may select "other" and their proceeds will be split equally among the three schools.
For more information, visit http://www.racingrivalstri.com
Bruce Pearl Basketball Camps
Join Auburn’s Final Four Head Coach Bruce Pearl during the month of June for tips and training on how to take your game to the next level! With a variety of camp dates and options, there is an opportunity that fits everyone. Visit the website below to learn more about how to you can become Auburn’s next Jared Harper or Janiah McKay.
Bed, Bath & Beyond Dorm Promotion
Announcing a new Auburn move-in partnership!
Starting June 1, Auburn students moving on to campus can pre-order items for dorm rooms at Bed Bath & Beyond (www.bbby.com/auburn) and have it shipped directly to the Plains! Pick up will be at the Auburn Alumni Center during move-in week. Don’t worry about forgetting anything because an on-campus tent will be available for those last few needs. More information can be found online at aub.ie/move-in. #auburnalumni
Come Paint Aubie with Carole Foret!
Spend time with your Auburn family and friends, while Carole guides us through how to paint Aubie! $40 per person Limited spaces available – Painting supplies provided
Light snacks and beverages will be served {No alcohol is allowed in The Cooper House}
Racing Rivals 2018
Swim: 400 meters Bike: 12 miles Run: 5 kilometers
The Fifth Annual Racing Rivals Triathlon will take place at Clearwater Lake in Owens Cross Roads, AL on July 28, 2018! Last year's event was a huge success with over 140 participants. We raised more than $2000 in scholarship money, which was used to provide scholarships to local students to attend Auburn University, Mississippi State University, and The University of Alabama.
Once again, this exciting event will prove which University's fans can speed through a sprint distance triathlon the fastest and earn bragging rights for the rest of the year! The race is being hosted by the local area alumni chapters of Auburn University, Mississippi State University and The University of Alabama. The Racing Rivals Triathlon is open to everyone, and proceeds raised will benefit the school based on the affiliation selected by each race participant during registration. Participants may select "other" and their proceeds will be split equally among the three schools.
For more information, visit http://www.racingrivalstri.com